Presentation: The Education of Deaf Students


  • Ana Belén Domínguez Universidad de Salamanca


Deaf students, Education of deaf students


When dealing with the education of deaf pupils, many questions arise: some of them are already classic and much debated over time, but always present, such as the issue of language learning-teaching or the dilemma about the use of sign language in the education of these pupils; or what is the most appropriate form of schooling or the dilemma about the inclusion of the deaf child. Other questions are more novel, such as those arising from the introduction of cochlear implants. The ‘stance’ taken in resolving these dilemmas means that the current landscape of deaf education in different countries is varied, both in terms of the language modalities used, the educational contexts in which it takes place, the methods and systems of communication used and the technical aids.

Bearing in mind that it is difficult to find a single path - given the diversity of deaf pupils, of the different contexts in which they develop, of the expectations of their family environment and, of course, of the differences in terms of training and resources of the professionals involved -, in this monograph we intend to reflect on these questions and offer concrete proposals that help to build inclusive alternatives regarding the education of deaf pupils, on the basis of respect for the identity and needs of each one.

Author Biography

Ana Belén Domínguez, Universidad de Salamanca

Doctora en Ciencias de la Educación por la Universidad de Salamanca y Especialista en Logopedia. Profesora Titular de la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad de Salamanca. Imparte asignaturas del área de Educación Especial en primer y segundo grado, así en diversos Doctorados y Masters.

Colabora desde hace años en investigaciones en el ámbito de la lengua escrita y de la lectura en alumnos sordos con profesores de la Universidad Libre de Bruselas (Bélgica). Ha participado en Proyectos de I+D financiados en Convocatorias públicas.

Tiene publicados libros, capítulos de libros y artículos en diversas revistas de impacto. Ha impartido ponencias en Congresos, Simposios y cursos de formación de profesores de educación de distintos niveles educativos. Ha sido Secretaría y Vicedacana de la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad de Salamanca.



How to Cite

Domínguez, A. B. (2009). Presentation: The Education of Deaf Students. Latin American Journal of Inclusive Education, 3(1), 39–41. Retrieved from



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