Conclusions and reflections about the early education offering to children of the original peoples of Latin America


  • Ofelia Rebeco Universidad Central de Chile


Research, Early childhood education, Preschool education, Intercultural bilingual education, Indigenous education


The following paper gives information about a study done by BID. This study was related to quality of different educational and care approaches of centers where children who are afro descendent and form original peoples are attended. This research was done through a qualitative and quantitative design and tried to answer some questions related to the kind of education that early infancy is receiving; a first one was referred to the access to educational system of infants and a second one was related to quality of these educational centers. The research was done during 2005 in three countries: Colombia, Ecuador and Perú; it considered some documental sources, with official statistic data and other sources of this kind; it also considered some empirical approach with some visits to different centers with different approaches to early education that were available for children form the groups before stated. In this paper some of the main conclusions are described and only in relation to our original peoples. In some cases the information is based on textual data of the study and in others, are variations of these information of the original text.

Author Biography

Ofelia Rebeco, Universidad Central de Chile

Doctora © en Educación UAHC. Magíster en Ciencias Sociales con Mención en Sociología de la Cultura. ILADES, 1990. Educadora de Párvulos. Universidad de Chile. Santiago. Actualmente Coordinadora de Investigación. U Central Chile. Se ha desempeñado como Investigadora o evaluadora por más de treinta años realizando investigaciones y evaluaciones para SCH Noruega, UNESCO/OREALC, BID, OCDE, OEA, etc. Ha desempeñado diversos cargos académicos y ha sido Profesora Invitada a diversas Universidades Pedagógica. Actualmente es académica de la Maestría en Educación Infantil en la Universidad Central de Chile y del Magíster en Política Educativa de la Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Ha desempeñado altos cargos en el Gobierno de su país tales como Vicepresidenta Ejecutiva (Directora Nacional) de la Junta Nacional de Jardines Infantiles y Directora Técnica de la misma institución. Ha realizado asesorías, investigaciones y evaluaciones en diversos países de latinoamérica. Tiene 12 libros publicados y más de 200 artículos Ha recibido el Premio Linda Volowsky entregado por el Colegio de Educadoras de Párvulos de Chile a la educadora que mas ha contribuido al desarrollo académico del campo y el Premio Claustro de Honor entregado por la Asociación Mundial de Educadores Infantiles.



How to Cite

Rebeco, O. (2009). Conclusions and reflections about the early education offering to children of the original peoples of Latin America. Latin American Journal of Inclusive Education, 3(2), 143–164. Retrieved from



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