Intercultural education in the today school: reforms and challenges for his implementation


  • Rossana Stella Podestá Siri Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla


Intercultural education, Collaborative methodologies, Indigenous children's authorship, Interlearning, Social representations


There were many reasons that convinced me to elaborate an education intervention proposal for intercultural contexts, but most of all one made me think in the child indigenous authorship. ¿How would the child’s conduct and reactions be if they were the authors of their realities? ¿What effects would it provoke to have the word and voice to talk of the territory that saw them born? ¿In what form would they do it? With what dedication and discipline? ¿How would the nahuas children from the center of México react (cognitively and humanely) when they enter in contact with other children of similar surroundings, but also vis a vis the children from the city? ¿From our western view what would they say of us that cannot see their world? The opening up of a mosaic of exchanges was important because it would simulate the diverse and complex Mexican context. We took social and educational themes in a real and dynamic exchange. Its results opened up a window to those of us that work in the intercultural education.

Author Biography

Rossana Stella Podestá Siri, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla

Dra. en Ciencias Antropológicas y especialista en sociolingüística y antropología educativa. Trabaja con niños nahuas y maestros nahuas, mixtecos, popolocas, mazatecos del centro de México desde hace ya dos décadas. Entre sus temas de investigación se encuentran los estudios de proficiencia lingüística, actitudes lingüísticas, etnografía del aula, metodologías colaborativas y representaciones sociales. Investigadora del Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades de la Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla y Profesora de la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional- Unidad 211. Tiene publicado cinco libros entre los que se encuentran: Encuentro de miradas. El territorio visto por diversos autores (2008), editado por la Secretaría de Educación Pública y Nuestros pueblos de hoy y siempre. El mundo de las niñas y niños nahuas de México a través de sus propias letras y dibujos (2002). Ambos en co-autoría con niños nahuas, y editado por la Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla.



How to Cite

Podestá Siri, R. S. (2009). Intercultural education in the today school: reforms and challenges for his implementation. Latin American Journal of Inclusive Education, 3(2), 201–217. Retrieved from



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