Movements of pedagogic renovation and teacher professionalization


  • Julio Rojero Movimiento de Renovación Pedagógica Escuela Abierta


Pedagogic renovation, Social movements, Public school, Educational professionalism, Subject, Commitmant, Training, Educational practice


The Movements of Pedagogic Renovation (MRP), autonomous and self-organized groups of teachers of diverse educational stages, are born to give answers to the needs of permanent training and to work for a model of public School which responds to the urgency of making real the civil right to the education of all human beings, in a society which tries to privatize everything and to reduce the education to one more element of consumption that only the one who can pay for as a consumer will have. This, to be done, requires a professional who is ethically and politically committed to the project and who re-formulates his professional, subjectively injured and disoriented identity in a world going through deep transformations. The MRP, for more than thirty years, have been reflecting collectively upon this topic from within the people the subject lives in, teachers committed to the transformation of the society and of the education to continue deepening the processes of humanization that the humanity needs to leave behind the barbarian chaos it is in to which this socio-economic radically unfair system has led us.

Author Biography

Julio Rojero, Movimiento de Renovación Pedagógica Escuela Abierta

Maestro de educación primaria, miembro del Movimiento de Renovación Pedagógica Escuela Abierta de la Federación de MRP de Madrid. Ha pasado por todas las etapas del sistema educativo. Los diez últimos años en programas de Garantía Social con jóvenes en riesgo de exclusión social. Colabora con diversas revistas educativas. Publica en coautoría con Ignacio Fernández de Castro: Escuela Pública. Democracia y poder. “El modelo convivencial: clave organizativa del centro educativo” en Repensando la organización escolar. “El espacio y el tiempo escolar: espacio y tiempo de vida”, en La crisis de la escuela educadora. Actualmente, ya jubilado, realiza apoyo escolar en Educación Primaria en un centro público, participa en Plataformas de defensa de la Escuela Pública y en el Foro Social Mundial de Madrid. Asesora a equipos docentes y asociaciones de padres de diversos centros educativos y forma parte del Consejo asesor del Portal Innova.



How to Cite

Rojero, J. (2010). Movements of pedagogic renovation and teacher professionalization. Latin American Journal of Inclusive Education, 4(1), 141–166. Retrieved from