Thinking about Teacher Professional Development through Research: Participatory and Inclusive Pathways



Inclusive education; Collaborative inquiry; Professional development; School improvement; Participatory research.


Inclusive and participatory research has been gradually gaining ground and, its contribution to the development of research that itself contributes to inclusion, is now recognized. However, its connections and contribution to teacher professional development have not yet been explored. This article presents a reflection on this question, starting from the account of how the conceptual and practical structure of different Collaborative Inquiry Networks was articulated along three funded research project. The networks, which were community-based, were committed to the design and development of innovative socio-educational actions oriented towards inclusion. After analyzing the formats, actions and methodology developed in the networks, we conclude with a reflection and some proposals on how participatory and inclusive research can and should be considered for its contribution to teachers' professional development. Specifically, it is proposed how this work with other professionals and agents in the socio-educational field enriches and broadens the universe and professional development of teachers. It also suggests a commitment to more participatory, holistic, contextual and sustainable approaches from which to think and design training, enquiry and learning environments that contribute to teachers' professional development.

Author Biography

Ángeles Parrilla , Universidad de Vigo

Catedrática de Didáctica y Organización Escolar en la Universidad de Vigo (UVigo), directora del grupo de investigación CIES-UVigo (Cooperación en Investigación para la Equidad Educativa y Social), y directora del Programa de Doctorado Interuniversitario en Equidad e innovación en educación. Líneas de investigación: Procesos de inclusión socio-educativa; Procesos de exclusión escolar; e Investigación participativa, inclusiva y comunitaria. En la actualidad es directora del Proyecto de investigación del Plan Nacional de I+D+i: "¿Qué estamos olvidando en la educación inclusiva?: Una investigación participativa en Galicia” (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación) (PID2019-108775RB-C41) Dirección: Facultad de CC Educación y del Deporte. Campus A Xunqueira, s/n, 36005 Pontevedra (España).

