The Configuring of Apprentice Identity in School: Obstacles in the Pedagogical Relation and its Incidence in Early School Dropout Processes




Identity, Learner, School desertion, Learning


Considering that Chilean education is looking to move forward in inclusion. This article broadens the comprehension of a current issue: school desertion in poverty contexts, from an identity and symbolic justice approach. From a theoretical reflection based upon a bibliographic study, if learners leave early their school trajectory is because they generate, in the beginning of them, a pedagogical relationship that obstructs their learner's identity building and the continuity of their school education. Thus, this article portrays the macroconcept of learner's identity, pedagogical relationship, symbolic justice approach and the obstacles for the construction of learner's identity at school. Finally, the bonds between learner's identity, pedagogical relationship are shown, and their incidence in school learning trajectories, grounded from a cultural and intersubjective comprehension of the issue.

Author Biography

Cristina Julio-Maturana, Cooperativa Di-versos

Tiene 31 años de experiencia profesional, es Dra. en Educación, Licenciada en Ciencias Sociales y Ética Social y Profesora de Educación Diferencial/Especial. Durante los ‘80 se desempeñó en aulas de escuelas especiales y en gestión social en las comunas de San Miguel, Punta Arenas y Ancud. En los ’90 en gestión pública (MINSAL, FOSIS, MINEDUC) en las regiones de O`Higgins y Valparaíso. Entre el 2002 y el 2015 se desempeñó como académica en la PUCV. Actualmente es Presidenta de la Cooperativa para la Acción Pedagógica, Di-versos; consultora independiente y docente de la carrera de Educación Especial en la UPLA. Cuenta con publicaciones especializadas en revistas y congresos del área de la inclusión educativa y justicia social.



How to Cite

Julio-Maturana, C. (2017). The Configuring of Apprentice Identity in School: Obstacles in the Pedagogical Relation and its Incidence in Early School Dropout Processes. Latin American Journal of Inclusive Education, 11(1), 109–129.