Presentation: Changes in Sexist Cultural Patterns




International Human Rights Law has come to break the hegemony of men as the paradigm of humanity, questioning the cultural patterns that grant them privileges in relation to women or populations in conditions of vulnerability for reasons of age, disability, migratory status, sexual diversity and gender identity, among others, created by a patriarchal system.

Prejudices, roles and stereotypes are developed through patriarchal institutions such as biology, philosophy, religion, psychology, education, law, among others. Institutions that reproduce unequal power relations that discriminate against and violate women, dissident men or those excluded by the patriarchal system. Unequal relations based on the ‘power of’ that limits human beings' freedom of decision, the “power to” that restricts participation in decision-making, and the “power over” where force and coercion are used to subject other human beings to their desires.

Author Biography

Rodrigo Jiménez Sandoval, Universidad Autónoma de Centroamérica, Costa Rica

Licenciado en Derecho por la Universidad de Costa Rica. Especializado en Derecho Internacional, posee una Maestría en Administración de Negocios de la Universidad de San Diego, California. Es catedrático de la Universidad Autónoma de Centroamérica. Ha sido profesor visitante en universidades de varios países de América Latina y el Caribe. Es miembro activo del directorio de la Fundación Justicia y Género de Costa Rica. Su línea principal de desarrollo e investigación son los Derechos Humanos con perspectiva de género y el estudio de las masculinidades



How to Cite

Jiménez Sandoval, R. (2020). Presentation: Changes in Sexist Cultural Patterns. Latin American Journal of Inclusive Education, 14(2), 17–19.