From "Gender Issues" to Gender as a Problem. To Investigate and Intervene the School from New Critical Displacements



Communication; School; Gender; Sexuality; Discourse


In the last fifteen years, normative advances in gender matters have reconfigured Argentine institutions. In school, particularly, these transformations are expressed in the curricular dimension, but above all in the universe of social and educational relationships. The article presents the results of a research project whose objective was to survey the gender discourses that take place in three public schools in the center and periphery of the city of La Plata (Argentina). What do students, teachers and head teachers talk about when they talk about gender; what meanings this concept embodies, and what tensions it introduces -or rubric- in the school culture, were some of the questions that guided the field process. We worked from a theoretical-political approach to communication/education/gender, and a qualitative methodology that combined semi-structured interviews and action-research techniques in the classroom, not only to identify these discourses, but to critically analyze them together with the students. Gender as an educational issue was directly associated with the Integral Sexual Education Law. It was glimpsed a difficulty (resistance) in adults to think and disarticulate the inequalities that the institution nests; in contrast to the student body that functions as a catalyst for micro-transformations, cultural and cognitive.

Author Biographies

Mª Florencia Actis , Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina

Doctora en Comunicación. Especialista en Periodismo, Comunicación Social y Género. Licenciada y Profesora en Comunicación, Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Social, Universidad Nacional de La Plata (en adelante, FPyCS, UNLP). Becaria de investigación en el Laboratorio de Comunicación y Género (FPyCS, UNLP/Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas). Prof. Titular, Especialización en Periodismo, Comunicación Social y Género. Áreas de investigación: Comunicación; Género; Educación; Performances; Instituciones disciplinarias

Rocío Gariglio, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina

Licenciada y Profesora en Comunicación Social. Doctoranda en Comunicación. Investigadora del Laboratorio de Comunicación y Género, Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Social, Universidad Nacional de La Plata (en adelante, FPyCS, UNLP). Becaria doctoral UNLP y ayudante diplomada de la cátedra II de Comunicación y Educación (FPyCS UNLP). Su recorrido formativo y de investigación se centra en procesos educativos de género desde una perspectiva de comunicación/educación

