Opportunities in Secondary Education through a Flexible and Innovative Curriculum: The High School Diploma for Employability and Entrepreneurship in Costa Rica





Educational access, Adult education, Employment-training relationship, Educational opportunity, Curriculum adaptation


The article analyzes the High School Diploma for Employability and Entrepreneurship (BEE, for its acronym in Spanish) in Costa Rica, a virtual educational initiative for young and adult learners who did not graduate from secondary education. The objective is to evaluate BEE's impact in terms of enrolment, graduation, and accessibility, aligned with SDG 4. The study employed a qualitative descriptive exploratory approach, using interviews, focus groups, and observations. Results show a high graduation rate and increasing demand, with 5,000 graduates in the first cohort and 10,000 enrolled in the second. The implementation of a competency-based approach and Universal Design for Learning (UDL) was crucial in facilitating educational inclusion and improving job opportunities. Conclusions highlight BEE's relevance in democratizing education, suggesting continuous improvements in accessibility and technical support to maintain its effectiveness and reach.

Author Biographies

Linda María Madriz-Bermúdez, Universidad Estatal a Distancia

Special education teacher by choice and vocation, Master in Educational Research and PhD with mention in Pedagogical Mediation. She has been Dean of the School of Education Sciences at the UNED since 2019. She has 30 years of professional experience in classroom work with people with disabilities and more than 20 years of experience as a university lecturer. She has extensive experience in social outreach projects that she coordinates on an ad honorem basis, such as the Inclusive Art Collective Rompecabezas, which has been offering opportunities for social inclusion through art in Costa Rica for 8 years. She is the author of two books and multiple academic articles. She is also a speaker and lecturer at national and international level.

Viviana González-Rojas, Universidad Estatal a Distancia

Bachelor's Degree in Special Education from the University of Costa Rica. Master's Degree in Early Stimulation from Santa Paula University. Academic support teacher at the School of Education Sciences of the Universidad Estatal a Distancia, Costa Rica. Collaborator of the Bachelor for Employability and Entrepreneurship UNED- MEP.

Andrés Solano-Falla, Universidad Estatal a Distancia

Head of the Philosophy of Education Department at the School of Educational Sciences, Universidad Estatal a Distancia (UNED), and lecturer in the Philosophy and Thought Section, School of General Studies, Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR).
BA, BA and MA in Philosophy from the University of Costa Rica (UCR); BA in Theology from the former Universidad Estatal a Distancia (UNED) and Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica (UNA). Doctoral candidate in the Interdisciplinary Doctorate Programme in Socio-religious Studies (DIES) at the National University of Costa Rica (UNA). Current collaborator of the Bachelor for Employability and Entrepreneurship programme.

Ana María Vargas-Víquez, Universidad Estatal a Distancia

She is in charge of the Teaching Practice and Bachelor's Degree in Special Education at the School of Education Sciences of the UNED. She holds a Master's degree in Distance Education and Online Learning from the State Distance University (UNED), and a Bachelor's degree in Special Education from the University of Costa Rica, where she graduated with honours. She is currently in charge of multiple research projects, including the ‘Bachillerato para la Empleabilidad y el Emprendimiento’ UNED- MEP, which is being carried out at national level.

Virginia Navarro-Solano, Universidad Estatal a Distancia

Master in Educational Administration from the Universidad Americana, Master in Psychopedagogy from the Universidad Latina, Bachelor in Special Education with emphasis in Integration from the Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica, Diploma in General Basic Education with emphasis in I and II Cycle from the Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica. Academic support teacher in Special Education at the UNED. I have collaborated in national research at UNED in areas such as inclusive education, technology and specifically in the Bachelor for Employability and Entrepreneurship programme.

Lizette Brenes-Bonilla, Universidad Estatal a Distancia

She is a researcher, writer, Doctor in Economics and Business Administration, Master in Business Administration with emphasis on Management and promoter of social innovation. She has published university texts and numerous articles in renowned international indexed journals. She is currently leading the OMiPYMES+ of the UNED.



How to Cite

Madriz-Bermúdez, L. M., González-Rojas, V., Solano-Falla, A., Vargas-Víquez, A. M., Navarro-Solano, V., & Brenes-Bonilla, L. (2024). Opportunities in Secondary Education through a Flexible and Innovative Curriculum: The High School Diploma for Employability and Entrepreneurship in Costa Rica. Latin American Journal of Inclusive Education, 18(2), 169–186. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-73782024000200169