Vol. 17 No. 2 (2023): Inclusive Leadership in Education

The inclusive school, as we understand it today, requires leadership at all levels and from all sectors. In particular, of a cohesive management team capable of promoting the curricular, organizational and above all, cultural changes that are required to progress in a sustained manner in that direction. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine a school moving towards greater inclusion without a group of committed people behind it, who drive a deep transformation that removes the school foundations. Thus, a few years ago, a leadership style focused on inclusion and equity in education emerged. Despite having its own characteristics, it feeds on styles such as pedagogical, democratic, distributed leadership and of course, leadership for social justice.

Within this framework, the monographic section of this issue aims to contribute to the development and dissemination of knowledge associated with inclusive educational leadership, collecting theoretical and practical advances developed in recent years on the subject.

The topics covered in this call, among others, deal with:

  1. Theoretical advances on inclusive educational leadership.
  2. Research that investigates the behaviors, values ​​and styles of the leaders who work for an inclusive school.
  3. Description and analysis of experiences of inclusive educational leadership and for inclusion.
  4. Literature reviews on inclusive leadership and leadership for inclusion.
Published: 2023-12-14
