Presentation: School-based and Territory-based Professional Development




Professional development, Teacher training, Inclusive school


Schools that engage in a process of review and improvement with the aim of becoming more inclusive, and that succeed in making sustainable progress in this regard, have in common, among other things, a concern for the continuing professional development of their teaching staff. This is one of the important conditions for the advancement of schools. The development of the competences needed by teachers who are concerned to ensure the presence, learning and participation of all their students (Ainscow et al., 2006) should be one of the aims of education systems, both in terms of initial and in-service training. A professional who, as can be seen from the profile of the teacher for inclusion proposed by the European Agency for Special Educational Needs and Inclusion in the project they developed called ‘Teacher Training for Inclusion’ (TE4I) must (AEDNEEI, 2011): (a) value student diversity (differences in learning should be seen as a resource and an educational value), (b) support all learners (teachers should have high expectations for the performance of all their students), (c) work with others (collaboration and teamwork are essential to the task that all teachers must perform), and (d) care for continuous professional and personal development (teaching is a constant learning activity and teachers must take responsibility for their continuing education, throughout their professional lives).

Undoubtedly, the development of teaching practices with the aim of ‘reaching all learners’, leaving ‘no one behind’ is one of the requirements for the achievement of the international challenge we have taken on in Goal 4 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. However, the distance we still have to travel to achieve this Goal (UNESCO, 2020a), urges us to be very mindful of the actions needed to move forward (Echeita et al., 2021). To this end, among other things, as pointed out by UNESCO (2020b), education systems should strive to support schools and teachers, contributing to the development of their competences to reach the diversity of students in their school, and fostering collaboration between the different actors involved in the education and well-being of their students, both in and out of school.

Author Biographies

Cecilia Simón Rueda, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Profesora Titular del Departamento Interfacultativo de Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). Es co- coordinadora del grupo de investigación “Equidad, diversidad y educación inclusiva” (EQUIDEI) de la UAM. Forma parte de Catalizadores para la Educación Inclusiva (Inclusion International) y ha colaborado con entidades como la OEI y la Agencia Europea para las Necesidades Educativas Especiales y la Inclusión Educativa. Sus intereses de investigación se relacionan con el desarrollo de una educación más inclusiva, así como con la relación escuela, familia y comunidad. Ha participado en múltiples proyectos de ámbito nacional e internacional sobre estos temas, siendo IP de alguno de ellos.

Yolanda Muñoz Martínez, Universidad de Alcalá

Profesora Titular en el Departamento de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Alcalá (Madrid, España). Sus líneas de trabajo van encaminadas a la mejora escolar y la formación del profesorado para una educación inclusiva. En su carrera ha trabajado como maestra, jefa de estudios en la Escuela Pública y en los últimos 14 años como profesora en la Facultad de Educación formando a los futuros maestr.os y maestras y psicopedagogogos/as para el desarrollo de una educación Inclusiva. Ha colaborado con organismos internacionales (Agencia Europea para las necesidades educativas especiales y la educación inclusiva, OEI, etc) y en asesoramiento a distintos organismos y escuelas. Ha realizado estancias de investigación en Chile, Brasil, Reino Unido y Canadá. Cuenta con múltiples publicaciones sobre Educación Inclusiva y en la actualidad desempeña el cargo de Vicedecana 1ª de la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad de Alcalá. Es miembro del Grupo de Investigación EQUIDEI



How to Cite

Simón Rueda, C., & Muñoz Martínez, Y. (2021). Presentation: School-based and Territory-based Professional Development. Revista Latinoamericana De Educación Inclusiva, 15(2), 17–21.

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