About the Journal

Revista Latinoamericana de Educación Inclusiva, RLEI, arises from the need to have a medium that contributes to knowledge on inclusive education and promotes academic dialogue around the great dilemmas and challenges that it poses to educational systems and schools today. It is a free access scientific publication, in digital format and published every six months, that pursues three fundamental objectives:

1. Generate a space for exchange, debate and reflection in relation to the challenges of moving towards inclusive, quality education for all, in the field of policies, culture and educational practices.
2. Disseminate innovative studies, research, programs and experiences that contribute to the knowledge and development of schools that welcome and respond to the diversity of students.
3. Promote proposals and strategies that aim to improve the quality and equity of educational systems, with special attention to the sectors and groups most vulnerable to discrimination and exclusion.

The issues have a monographic section, with a predetermined topic coordinated by a guest editor, and a free section, in which articles with a free topic are published. It contemplates the publication of unpublished works or those with very little circulation in Latin America that deal with the following topics:

Advances and difficulties experienced by educational inclusion at the level of legislation, policies, attitudes and educational practices.

Reflections and conceptual reviews associated with the principles and theoretical foundations of inclusive education and its relationship with the quality and equity of education.
Analysis of barriers that hinder the development of the inclusive approach (in educational systems, schools and classrooms), as well as the processes of change and improvement to overcome difficulties.

Approaches, programs and results linked to the education of the indigenous population, with special educational needs (associated or not with disabilities), from poverty sectors, immigrants, etc.

Proposals and experiences in response to diversity with reference to curricular adaptations; learning methodologies and strategies; Procedures and assessment tools; educational media and materials.

Reviews of literature related to inclusive education, attention to diversity and special educational needs.

Evaluation of the effectiveness and quality of educational processes in inclusive school contexts.


Current Issue

Vol. 18 No. 1 (2024): Support systems for quality inclusive education

Contar con sistemas de apoyo es un elemento esencial para que todos los y las estudiantes se beneficien de una educación inclusiva y equitativa de calidad, y avanzar hacia escuelas más inclusivas. El apoyo inclusivo son todas las medidas, recursos y acciones que contribuyen a incrementar la capacidad de las escuelas para atender de manera integral las necesidades de la diversidad de estudiantes y facilitar su óptimo desarrollo, aprendizaje, participación y bienestar. El apoyo es un derecho de todos, en vez de un complemento adicional para ciertos estudiantes, forma un continuo, en cuanto al tipo de medidas y recursos e intensidad de los apoyos, y es una responsabilidad de toda la comunidad educativa y no solo de ciertos especialistas.

Desde esta perspectiva es necesario transitar desde un modelo de apoyo individual y de carácter remedial a un apoyo educativo e institucional, orientado a identificar y superar las barreras que limitan el aprendizaje y la participación, mediante un trabajo colaborativo entre los miembros de la comunidad educativa y otros servicios (educación, salud, bienestar social, etc) para ofrecer una respuesta integral e integrada al alumnado, sus familias y docentes.

En este marco, la sección monográfica de este número pretende contribuir al desarrollo y difusión del conocimiento asociado al apoyo Inclusivo, considerando: a) los avances teóricos sobre la temática; b) descripción y análisis de experiencias o estudios comprados de sistemas de apoyo en diferentes contextos, etapas educativa y grupos de población; c) revisiones de literatura o meta-análisis sobre sistemas de apoyo inclusivos; d) investigaciones sobre modelos y organización de los apoyos, trabajo colaborativo e interdisciplinar, competencias de los profesionales de apoyo, recursos tecnológicos, entre otros.

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Published: 2024-06-21
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ISSN versión digital: 0718-7378